How can I clean out my charging port? (iPhone 6s)?

My iPhone 6s was having a hard time charging. I figured out it was the charging port being dirty, but I don't know how to clean it out. I've heard toothpicks work, but I can't find any. Any other way I can clean it? Toothbrush? Cotton swab?

They say a straightened paperclip will work. I have used it, but very gently as I do not like the idea of abusing those fine contacts.

Canned air duster

Canned air.

Use the extension tube and "pop" several short, sharp blasts into the connector.

Only if that doesn't do the job should a probe be inserted to dislodge stuck lint.
DO NOT use Anything metal.

A flat or nearly flat piece of thin plastic would be suitable.
Cutting a sliver from a drinking straw is one workable idea.

Try putting it in the dishwasher.

It depends what the cause of the uncleanliness is. DO NOT put anything metal in there - and if you use plastic or wood, don't be sad when you bend the electrical contacts (no more charging) in the Lightning port.

If the stuff you're trying to clean out is lint from being in your pocket, canned air should be fine - assuming it is used correctly.

Since we don't know what's in there, making a recommendation on what to use to clean it out is challenging.

As others say, an air blast first.

If that does not work, you can try a paintbrush damped with IPA - Isopropyl alcohol (aka Tape head cleaner).
If you get IPA in an aerosol you can also spray inside the port to remove accumulated dust etc.

Do not use any other kind of liquid, they can either cause corrosion, make dust stick or damage the plastic.

Don't use anything metal, it may damage it. I use q-tips to clean my phones charger port and it works well.

You will want to avoid anything that generates static, or leaves behind residue or pieces. Cotton swabs, paper towels, tissues, etc. Leave behind pieces that can get stuck or cause more stuff behind that can cause your charging port not to work.

A tooth pick could work, but it won't do a very thorough job of cleaning out dust in hard to reach places in the charging port. The two best things I could suggest would be a compressed can of air (this is by far the best cleaner you could use), or if you do not have that / can't obtain it, I would suggest a microfiber cloth (a cloth generally used to clean off glasses lenses) and putting a little bit of rubbing alcohol on the cloth, and rubbing it around inside of the charging port as far inside as possible.

The reason I specifically suggest rubbing alcohol, is because it dries up very quickly and is much less likely to cause any electrical shorts. Just ensure that your phone is turned off before you do this, so there's no electric contact with the liquid. Do not use water, or anything else for this… Strictly rubbing alcohol.

These are the two safest, and most effective ways I can think of that would work very well.

Hearing aid picks work well. They are made for cleaning hearing aids. A ear doctor should have some to sell.

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