How to erase words my iphone has learned?

I have asked this question before, but maybe i didn't explain my situation properly: P My iPhone has taken to replacing certain words (namely "Nìght" every time i try to type "night") I have already gone into my reset settings and reset my keyboard dictionary, but the phone still tries to replace these words. Is there anything else i can do to "un-train" my phone and reset these mistakes?

Hi. I have a iPhone 5G on version 7.2.1 we got a new feature on version 6.1.3 that you can hold the main key for 2 seconds then quickly tap it 2 times again and their should be a square box it says state your problem hold the microphone button and say "erase remembered words" say it clear then let go of the button and it should erase it I have the same problem but I found a way to fiz hope it helps!

Do what most mums would do in such a situation: beat the *** out him and leave it in your rum for a few weeks.