How do I open attachements on iphone?

How do I open attachements on iphone?

Open attachements on iphone

  • Why iphone 3G games suddenly stopped working, the app open and closes instantly? Hi I noticed from last 2 weeks that my iphone 3G games which used to work perfectly fine suddenly stopped working. Whenever I try to open a game, it opens for a split second and closes immediately. I even tried rebooting my iphone several times but that didn't help. Please advise if you have any pointers.
  • My iPhone 4S app won't open Every time I click on the app it opens for maybe a second and then goes back to the home screen… I tried doing the red minus sign thing, rebooting my phone, but nothing is working… And I can't delete it, because it won't save any of my data… Please Help!
  • My iphone 4 is jailbroken on 5.1.1 and now cydia won't open Or any apps i downloaded off of installous. I've had it for about a week and then my phone died, once i recharged it, it was like i never jailbroke it but i still have cydia and installous and the apps i got for free but now none of them open, they all crash immediately, even safari does… Help please?
  • Most apps on my iphone 3g won't open Okay so yesterday i synced all the music from my computer to my iphone 3g. And i used facebook and whatsapp normally last night right after i synced. And now it blinks, as if it's going to open, or it starts a little, like facebook gives me that blue screen, and then it exits. Why why why! What can i do!