How do i take good selfie pictures for instagram with my iphone x by myself?

I recently got the iphone x and the camera is absolutely amazing. I have no one to take pictures of me since i'm always at home which sucks. I try standing up my phone and using the rear camera but the pictures don't come out as good as id like them to. Plus i'm not really photogenic which makes things even harder since i have to plaster on some makeup to make myself look decent smh. How can i take quality pictures with my phone?

. How can i take quality pictures with my phone? - You don't. Quality photos are taken with a real camera by people who have a clue about photography.

You don't look at the phone while taking a picture… It sounds counter intuitative. I know. But its the most successful method. Look above and to the right or left of your phone by at least 20 degrees

Start with good light and a fair amount of it. Smartphones, even expensive ones like the $1,000 iPhone X, all use very cheap $15 cameras. These cameras do not do well in low light situations, so you should stay away from low-light areas such as inside buildings or in the shade. One of the best light sources is the Sun. It's free and predictable, and if you go out an hour before/after sunrise or sunset, the light is often very beautiful and will add a lot to the quality of your selfie.

Now that you've got the light, you need a scene. Look for an area with a very clean background. Avoid busy backgrounds. Try to find an area where you can stand with the Sun, low in the horizon, so that it's coming right in your face. Try photos with the Sun behind you, to the side and at about a 45 degree angle to your face. The light, being at different angles, will produce a different looks one of which you'll like more than others.

Use a selfie stick. Smartphones are all equipped with wide-angle lenses which are produce a great deal of distortion and why they are horrible for making portraits. Fortunately, your iPhone X has a telephoto lens which produces significantly less distortion (if any). Because of the longer focal length, the iPhone X lens won't stretch people's faces but instead will compress their facial features a little bit. This is actually a very, very good thing as compressing the perspective on portraits will often make people look MORE attractive than they do in real life. However, this means using a longer focal length, which means you won't be able to hand-hold the camera. The solution is to use as long of a selfie stick that you can get, or set the phone up and use a self timer.

It's all in the light.

There's no such thing as a "good selfie".
They are all just idiotic snapshots taken by self obsessed narcissists.

Safe website to buy followers

Use mirrors, & water pools and watch Youtube videos about taking creative selfies.

The picture does not have to look like a professional model but like you. Make sure the picture is in focus and the phone is capable of taking a lot of pictures so take a lot with different expressions turning your head at different angles and using the enlarging feature to get pictures at various distances then look through them and narrow it down to the best ones. Also try different lighting schemes natural light artificial lights and lighting at various times of day and light coming from various angles. But the important thing is to make the pictures of you not someone you would like to bet who you are. You can never please people who will not accept you for who you are.

Spend an hour studying the backgrounds

Thinking ok what could l display that gives

The photo a nice meaning?

An hour getting the camera settings right

Use a prime or portrait lens.

And get a makeup artist in also.

Not that you need to but just

for a cool image ok?

And take 500 random shots getting your best

just muching about ok?

And have a cool today

Very best wishes


Source. Photography school.