How to fix an iPhone 3GS that doesn't turn on?

I have an iPhone 3GS, which fell in some water and will not turn on, no matter what I do. I tried holding the button on the top-right and the home button at the same time, and I also tried charging it. But nothing worked. At sometimes, when I held the top-right button, it would show the silver apple screen (that screen it shows when you turn it on) for a few seconds then turn off again. Once, it even turn on into the lock screen and I thought it was working fine again. But on the screen it said "Activation Required" and that's all. Then after, like, about a minute it turned back off again. And after that, it wouldn't turn on again.

Dropping a cell phone in water is the worst thing you can do. It might have destroyed the electronics in it. You can probably get a new 3GS really cheap on craigslist, and I think some offer 3GS free now with 2 year plan so maybe you can just extend another 2 years and get a free 3GS.

My friend droppeed my iphone 3gs and now it won't turn on, how do i fix it