How to avoid roaming charges with an iPhone when traveling?

I'm from Canada and I'm traveling to China in a few days. I have an iPhone 4S and I've been wondering about my roaming charges which I definitely do not want. I'm pretty sure that if I turn my phone onto airplane mode but turn my Wi-Fi on so that I can still connect to other networks that I won't have any roaming fees when I get back but I just wanted to make sure

On the iPhone 5 (so it is probably similar on your iPhone), you would:

Go to Settings.
Go to General.
Go to Cellular.

Cellular Data should be turned OFF, to limit it to Wi-Fi only.
Data Roaming should be turned OFF as well.

Then you can also put it in airplane mode. However, if you turned airplane mode off temporarily, only calls/texts made while you have it off would incur charges- not data (which can run without your even knowing it so important to have those turned off except for Wi-Fi).

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