How to change my cover photo from my iPhone?

Okay so I got this really cute photo of me and my friends and I want it to be my fb core photo but i don't know how to do it from my iphone4s. I've seen the little camera thing at the right lower corner but it's not there anymore so how do I do it? It's the Facebook app version 5.3.

Get twitter and tweet it.
Then go onto your computer and save the picture from twitter onto your documents.
Then upload it from your computer!

Login your Facebook account and Open your Facebook Profile (timeline). Now take your mouse to the left bottom of the Cover (hover the pointer) as shown in the image below. "Change Cover" button will appear there. Click on "Change Cover" then on "Upload Photo" and select the image from your computer. Drag and Reposition the image according to the space. Now click on "Save Changes".

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