How to cheer up? I feel really bad because of today?

Okay today i went for a little swim and my iphone got stolen. My parents grounded me and said had to work (i don't know how i'm 16 years old) and get the money myself to buy a new phone. My mom said i i was a liar and that i didn't deserve anything from them because she found out i was seeing someone 1 month ago… NOT ANYMORE

i hate my life

also.i'm fat, ugly and now i have no communication to my friends so i will feel more "out" of my group
this sucks

Well… I know how it feels to have something stolen from you, especally a phone or ipod. I suggest that you try your best to show your parents that you are sincerely sorry. It is possible for you to get a job since you are 16. Getting a job would be beneficial because A. You become more independent. B. More responsible and B. You get your "own" pay check to do what ever you want with it.
If you are able to handle having a job and balancing out your everyday life, this will prove to your parents that you are mature enough to handle a cellphone and other things in life as well.
also, maybe your parents are just a little overheated at the moment.sometimes they overreact and say things that they don't necessarily mean to say or do. Anyway stop all the nonsense about "i'm fat and ugly and my friends won't blah blah" this is not important. Beauty is in the eye of the beholder. If you feel you are Fat, do something about it! In a healthy manner! Diet and exercie. If you feel you are ugly, except this and love to love yourself because if you don't, NO ONE ELSE WILL! Yes "cliche" but very true. You are your own beauty so don't compare youself to others. Be a Beautiful soul, with a kind personality and character with great morals and ethics. This is what beauty is. No one wants a "beautiful ***" with no morals or ethics etc and jusd rude and snobby. DARE TO BE BOLD AND UNIQUE. Be your ONE OF A KIND. Hehe

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