How to deal with my destructive anger problems?

I have really bad anger issues. Like one time i lost on a video game and threw the controller at my playstation 3 and it broke, i got mad after someone was insulting me and i threw my brand new iphone at a tree and left it there, i also threw my laptop in my pool after it died when i was in the middle of a video game. I've tried therapy, deep breaths, anger management, and a punching bag.none of these things help me even the tinest bit. I've been like this ever since i was a little kid. Please help me. My dad is getting sick of replacing my things and i'm only 13 so i can't get a job to replace it myself.

You should take up a contact sport like rugby, where your aggressiveness can go to good use

I know how you feel, I'm 13 too with anger problems similar to yours I once punched my bedroom window but that's another story, I'd suggest getting a hobby not like a relaxing one but something that lets it out like rugby/football(if you're in america) or boxing ect, what you got to do is find something that can just let your anger out without damaging anything severely. Hope this helped

When you feel the rage monster coming on, stop put everything down, walk away and take some deep breaths and count to 10. That stuff costs a lot of money, and if you had to buy it yourself, it might stop you from breaking it so much.

Stop doing it! It's your choice. Listen, I get it. You're mad. This is the deal big guy. Everyone gets mad! There's justifiable anger (not rage) and then unjust rage. You're very immature and haven't learned how to control your unjust rage. You need to understand you have the absolute right to be angry. Go ahead… Give yourself permission. BUT you DO NOT have the right to damage things and hurt other people's things beause your angry. That's bad. Try getting a punching bag, join a sport. Sounds to me like you have Way TOO MUCH Testosterone in that body and you need an outlet!

Meditative breathing: when you feel anger coming on (or alternately, immediately after an aggressive action) tell yourself to breathe. Count to 4 while you inhale. Hold and count to four. Release and count to four. Hold and count to four. Repeat at least 3 times. Time requirement ~1 minute and you will be calm. Over time you will learn to enter the calm meditative state without the breathing exercises.

That being said, you got real mental problems. Have you parents take you to a head doc and get you some therapy and really strong meds. Also, like the other dudes are saying: get a hobby. You're aggressive because you feel like a loser with a lot of excess energy. Become a football jock or jog, it will build your self esteem.

I had the same problem growing up, from experience when you get angry you have to think about the next day, but it is hard, i know you may break a few things along the way, but youll learn from it, trust. Now i feel angry for a few seconds if something upsets me but my experience is built in to me so i quickly tell myself its not worth it, and there's no better feeling than putting anger in its place.

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