How to delete my twitter from my mail?

I have an iPhone 3GS and my twitter is linked to my e-mail and I receive an e-mail if I get a new follower, or mention. I want to keep my twitter account logged in so when I'm out I can use it but don't want to receive an e-mail every time. Can I stop e-mails from twitter coming through on my phone?

These are email notifications of your Twitter activity. You should be able to stop these by going to the email and looking for the unsubscribe button at the end. It might prompt you to go into your Twitter account and change the settings about the emails you receive.

Go to the bottom of the e mail and you should be able to find an unsuscribe button. Click on it to stop Twitter from loading your inbox.

You can change it on your twitter profile.
login to twitter-- setting ---Email notifications--- mark as you wish…

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