How to get past acer FAST router parental controls?

A few days ago my parents got the bright idea to block my phone's and my computer's access to the internet via the router (during certain periods of the day). I was fine with it first but when my mobile-network ran out I became hysteric. Is there anyway to get past this blockage?

Detailed info: (I have got basic computer skills) I can still connect to the router but from there it blocks access to the internet during certain periods of the day. The clients are blocked using a built in "parental control" program from acer. To block a client (eg my computer) the IP address of the client is listed in a "parental control ban" list. How do I get past this blockage? Is there anyway I can make my computer seem like it is connecting for the first time, thus giving it a new IP? Is there anyway to unblock the iPhone?

Nathan, If you was my son/grandson and you hacked my parental controls I would take your smartphone away from you and you would never get it back, Period I would like you to stop and think about this (1) Your parents bought you the smartphone(s) (2) your parents are paying for your monthly online rental (3) your parents bought you the computer, (4) your parents are paying for the internet connection (5) your parents love and respect you, They give you everything you want and this is how you repay them by trying to cheat on them You have no respect for anything, You are lower than a snakes belly dragging through the gutter

It's easy. Save your pocket money and buy more Internet time on your mobile and be more sensible about how you use it.

Move out and pay for your own Internet service.

Talk to your parents about it.

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