How to make a successful egg drop project container/contraption?
- Can't be pre-made… Example: you can't use a apple iphone box without altering it in some way.
- The insallation CAN't be made out of any kind of food product.
- Can't be any longer than 15cm X 15cm X 15cm
-Maximum mass for the container/ contraption WITHOUT the egg is 44 grams.
Build a parachute for it.
You need to make sure the egg comes to a stop more slowly (it is not the fall that kills you, it is the sudden stop at the end).So, there are almost infinite number of ways to do this, human creativity at work.
From a particular height, the package will have a particular speed (unless you get extreme with the "feather idea") so it will have a particular kinetic energy (which is much more than the egg can survive).So, you have to dissipate enough of that kinetic energy so that the egg does not exceed it's capacity to absorb kinetic energy.
You can have a package that drops right to the floor but is designed so that the egg inside slows down much more gradually.
You can have a package that drops right to the floor but the "nose cone" crushes progressively so the back end of the package (where the egg is) comes to a stop more slowly.
Or, you can reduce the kinetic energy of the whole package. You can have a package that falls like a feather so it never picks up enough speed to break the egg.
Another way is to strength the egg so that it is strong enough to withstand the full kinetic energy. If you had the egg perfectly encased in hardened steel and the steel was strong enough not to change shape when it hit the ground, the egg inside would not be able to change shape so it could not break. You might be able to do this without using hardened steel, say two blocks of wood.each carved out to "just" hold half the egg, like a clam shell. You could screw the two halves together so the top could not move with respect to the bottom. You might have to use a very viscous fluid between the egg and the wood to be sure the pressure on the eggshell is as uniform all around as it can possibly be, say warm modeling clay (and leave a "vent hole" for the extra modeling clay to squeeze out).
Keep it simple by going to the post office. Get a cardboard box you can cut down to size, then stuff it with foam or bubble wrap. Wrap the egg itself in bubble wrap with tape, then stuff it down into the middle of all that protection.
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