How to order micro sim from orange?
I'm upgrading to the IPhone next week and I need to know how I order a micro sim on the same number?
You can't - unless you want to change your number or you port to a new contract,
The answer is you get a pair of scissors and very carefully cut down your sim card until your left with just the metal square bit - VOILA' microsim…
- Will tmobile swap my micro sim to the nano sim for iPhone 5? Basically I have an iPhone 4 under contract until October 2013, but if I buy an iPhone 5 on pay as you go, will t mobile swap my micro sim to a nano sim whilst I'm under contract?
- Will I be able to transfer my contract from a regular Sim card to a Micro Sim card? I want to buy an iPhone 4S on T-mobile, but my current T-mobile sim card is a regular one that would not fit in to the iPhone 4S. Would I be able to somehow move my contract on to the new Micro Sim?
- Will cutting my sim card work to use as micro sim? - 1 Will cutting my sim card work to use as micro sim? I just ordered an iPhone 4 and I need to cut the sim card to make it a Micro sim. Will it affect it. I have seen a bunch of video and already have the template it for it. I'm using simple mobile. Do you know if anything wrong happen to it? Any recommendations, Please!
- Will cutting my sim card work to use as a micro sim card? I just ordered an iPhone 4 and I need to cut the sim card to make it a Micro sim. Will it affect it. I have seen a bunch of video and already have the template it for it. I'm using simple mobile. Do you know if anything wrong happen to it?