How to stop someone from using Iphone data recovery? - 1

Long story short I contacted my cousins while our family is in the middle of a kinda civil war on my Iphone 3. I deleted the texts but my parents said they are going to do iphone data recovery on my phone to see all the information I've ever had apparently. I don't want anyone to get in trouble, is there any way to stop this information from being accessed. Or perhaps a way to delete them permanently?

Immediate help needed, Any input would be greatly appreciated

Your parents don't even need to do that. If it's text messages they don't even need to use any fancy data recovery tools. IF you're on their phone plan they can request a transcript of your text messages. This means it is 100% worthless for you to try to erase ANYTHING since your service provider has a copy of everything that can be requested at any time!