I hate myself because I'm different?

I'm a guy, I'm 15 a sophomore at danbury high school. I have CF so I'm infertile, out of shape (I go to Planet Fitness), can't grow anymore, sweat a lot and it's humiliating, have breathing problems and have a 40 year lifespan. I've never had a girlfriend because I'm nice and have no confidence, I've already been rejected once by a popular rich girl last year. Everyone in my school is dating someone, but there's nobody who will date me. I'm poor, everyone here is rich. I have an Android phone, everyone else has an iPhone. I like the Red Sox, LA Clippers, Broncos, NY Giants, Patriots, and NY Rangers, while everyone else here is an all around New York fan. When I'm in gym and we play sports, no matter how wide open I'm, nobody has once passed it to me, or communicated with me, I'm basically just running the pacer. Everyone always picks on me about the team's I like and I'm sick of it, they don't even know what they are talking about. I feel like I'm literally invisible, when I'm walking in the hall of someone is walking the other way they'll run right into me like they literally couldn't see me. Everyone here has their their own beauty while I'm hideous all around. I'm Atheist and everyone else is religious. I'm good at basketball especially at the three point line but I can barely breathe running back and forth so many times. I hate myself in every way, I feel worthless and hopeless. Am I wrong for hating myself because I'm different? I hate myself because IIm different - 1

You call that overweight? Trust me, it is perfectly fine to be different and to feel weird about being treated differently. Everyone has someone who they can be friends with, and you just haven't found that person(s) yet. Being different is fine, good even. Don't worry. You will find someone who likes you back, you will find someone to be friends with, you will be FINE.

You have a hundred year life span. When you hit 40 dump the doctor.Women are heartless because they have an inherit genital trait of animalism that warrants chasing the biggest or strongest boys. Get plenty of tolerable exercise and don't let the bedbugs bite

I know how you feel! I went through my depressed single phase when I was 15 (I'm 18) then I thought to myself, of all the people in the world the one person I shouldn't hate is myself. Why? Because in the end I'm all I've got and I'll be stuck with me forever. Being infertile is only a disadvantage later on in life but there are still things you could do about it. Technology man, have faith. And as for being overweight you can change that exercise and not for people to notice you but for your own self. 40 year life span? Whoever told you that is not 100% heck even 70% sure of that so screw them. Even if it's true live those fourty years in happiness everyday. So what if your different? That's what makes you you lol. I LOVE BEING DIFFERENT. And android is better than iPhone I can't download ANYTHING on my iPad unless it's on the App Store:/ at least your not dying. Or have AIDS. Or cancer or whatever. And everyone sweats
Your welcome.

Sometimes, people want to make themselves feel good by picking on others
Not many will admit it out loud, but most if not all your schoolmates have insecure issues in one form or another. Athlete, Models and Intellects. Everyone has some kind of issue.
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Let's face it, guy, high school sucks. Don't put yourself through the agony of chasing the popular girl. Even if you weren't medically challenged she's too stuck up to date anybody but the star quarterback. Know that by 30 she'll be fat, divorced and either living off her parents or the state (because I've been to a few high school reunions and this is a universal truth). Work on your health, that's all that matters. CF isn't an absolute death sentence anymore and you have to plan your life as though it's going to be long and productive. That'll mean finding an occupation you love, maybe helping others like yourself. It's hard now but high school is tough for almost everyone and if you take care of yourself you'll live long enough to look back and laugh at all the superficial idiots who are causing you pain now. Research the many people with CF who've accomplished amazing things. From the composer Chopin to Ironman Triathlete Lisa Bentley people with this challenge have risen to astounding heights. Good luck (wish I could give you a hug). You're also a cutie, so don't let anyone convince you you're not.

We're all different. How terrible if we weren't.

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