Why do I hate myself so much. Is it addiction?

Addiction to playing games i mean. Don't use drugs. I been playing a fun game on my iphone and lately I been stuck on one level for a few days. I hate myself because I can't pass it I play for like 4 hours or more trying to win but I can't why do I take it so seriously why am I like this?

Don't hate yourself for it. Even though its kinda useless. If it makes you happy then who cares as long as it doesn't take over your life. Don't stress over it. Put the phone down. Get out of the house & then come back to it and have patience. Trust me i'd spend hours trying to advance in Sims.

It is game and it isn't going to get you into college. Please do not stress yourself about passing the level, the next one will be in worse.

"You yourself, as much as anybody in the entire universe, deserve your love and affection"
Gautama Buddha

Perhaps GOD has not spoken to your heart yet

Gamers do get stuck in some levels. You may miss something that is necessary to win that level. I mean an idea.wait.take some time off.relax yourself.develop a game plan.finish the thing off. You will feel better and it is more about ego than addiction. All the best

I think there are not many alive of the people who really HATE themselves. For those who really hate themselves, end up killing themselves.
I don't think you hate yourself. You only have a minor problem dealing with your anger and frustration. So stay cool and be realistic about what you feel.

Because, you are foolishly defining your self-worth against the game. You're probably like that with everything you try. I think it's a manifestation of an overly competitive society. Perhaps it's akin to anorexia nervosa.

If prevents you from living fully delete from your phone.

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