I lost something very small in the snow! How to find it
I was taking a walk in the woods and there was a big pile of dirt with a layer of snow over it, and I asked my dad to take a picture of me on it. So I handed him my camera and then made sure my phone was deep in my pocket of my jeans (because the thing I lost is this cute little duststopper for where the headphones are supposed to plug into an iphone, but I have a different phone, so it never really stayed in that well and I didn't want to lose it) (also it was this adorable one that looked like a little bunny and my grandmother gave it to me) and so I climbed up and my dad took the picture and when I came back down, I looked at my phone and the bunny wasn't there! I told my mom and dad and we looked for it a while and then went back home. And then I cried for like an hour because I'm just a baby like that. And then me and my dad went back to look for it again but we didn't see it. That all happened yesterday. It's too late to look today, so I'm going to try again tomorrow. Got any ideas on how to find it? My dad said that since it was a weird shape, the snow probably packed into it. I found a website where I can buy a new one, but I really want the one I had. It was from my grandmother and it has sentimental value. Please can anyone give any ideas on how to find it Please? Also, it was near this site for a new house, so I can't wait very long to find it, or it'll get buried and lost forever, because they'll be tearing that place up. Please help me! How to find something small in the snow and dirt?
I don't understand if your phone was deep in your pocket, the plug would be there as well, unless while checking your phone you inadvertently pulled out the plug. Wait for the snow to melt.
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