I'm desperate for AirPods. It has gotten to the point where my parents are getting annoyed with me talking about them, any tips?

I'm desperate for AirPods. It has gotten to the point where my parents are getting annoyed with me talking about them, any tips?

Yes. Get busy doing other things; keep your mind occupied. If you feel your thoughts drfting back to the airpods, make a concentrated effort to think of something else. It'll get easier after awhile.

Yeah, every generation has it's thing that it MUST have. Except, of course, you don't really NEED AirPods. Some adults realize that buying things just to make themselves feel "cool" is ridiculous. I would suggest that you read something about the children on the border who have been separated from their parents, and are sleeping on cold concrete with little food and no toys. Maybe you can take the money the AirPods would cost and send it to some organization that's trying to relieve real poverty and deprivation.

If you really want them so bad then earn them. Ask your parents if you could do some chores or errands in exchange see if they could by you those air pods. If my advice fails then do what that other guy said above me with the question mark: keep your mind occupied with something else

Just go buy sorne