I'm really scared of mice/rats?

One night last week i heard mice/rats inside the walls in my bedroom. I'm really scared of mice and i feel like dying. I'm afraid they will come on my bed while i'm sleeping. I don't have a door, I just have a curtain that leads to the kitchen/living room. Today I was eating pop corn and while I was walking to the kitchen to throw out the trash I heard mice inside the cabinets. (my mom put mice poisoning) so maybe there eating that? Also back in 2008 when we first moved into this house we had mice problems and used mice posinng to get rid of them and they came back 4 years later. During that time I rememeber watching tv and i looked towards my night sand and a mice was there. I put my iPhone's speaker on to make noise but it just looked at me. I freaked out and called my mom. By the time she got here it had went to the kitchen, behind the stove. I'm 17 and a male and i'm really scared. I'm about to go to my car and sleep in there. I don't care if its cold. I just don't want to be in my house. Please help me! 1 Will they come near me? On my bed? I also have a heater on that makes noise (like a fan). Will that keep them away?

They are intelligent animals, they won't bite you or hurt you.

Neither mice or rats will harm you or bite you while you sleep. Usually even if threatened they will just scuttle away. It seems like you guys may have an infestation though, if possible I would suggest an exterminator.

Trust me I understand how it feels. Now, mice and rats are harmless really. And if you're scared they might come in leave mice poison on every corner of your bed. Maybe even bang on the walls to scare them off if they scare you. If you happen to see one just don't worry. If it's bothering you like nuts then I highly do suggest you go over to somebody's house. Maybe a neighbor? Or friend? Mice and rats are very sweet… I know that because my neighbor caught one from her mice problem and kept him. He was sweet. Don't be afraid. Maybe turn something on like a tv or radio. Hope this helps sweetheart!

Maybe set mouse traps?

If you want to keep them away, get about 5 things in your room that makes noise.put things all over your house that makes noise except by the exits. Also i have a mouse as a pet and they are skittish so even if you did not put anything by your bed it would be too scared to come near you (you are a giant to it.)

Don't worry, they are more scared by you than you are of them!

Lol they won't come near you, and even if they do, they won't do anything! My sister ended up with 50+ mice one time because the "female" was actually a male… And they escaped a LOT. She'd wake up with the baby ones sleeping next to her or on her belly. (These were tamed mice though) an ex that I used to live with had a mice problem in his house and they always left us alone. They're scared of people! Sometimes we'd see them sitting in a corner or running across the floor at night, but if yiu just kinda jump/move at them quickly while making a noise, they'll run and hide and won't come back for quite a while. The poison should take care of them soon though. Also, if you use old school mouse traps, they LOVE peanut butter. More than anything else, I swear. Don't be scared, you're more likely to get attacked by a spider than a mouse.

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