If I switch to an iphone will my bill increase?

I'm on Verizon Wireless, and have the Samsung Brightside. I have unlimited text and talk. If I were to switch to the iPhone, would my monthly bill increase?

Yes, somewhere around $20-30 per month

It probably will increase to like 50 dollars a month? ( it depends where you live but in my country it is around 50 and higher. )

Of course:/ that's why most people can't afford to get an iPhone.
If your phone is a smartphone, it won't increase by much.
But if you have just a regular texting phone, then it could go up by 30+ because smartphones have different plans than regular phones.


If you activated your phone under the new plans that were released this summer your bill will increase.

You currently pay $30 for the unlimited talk and text with a basic phone and $40 for 300MB of data plan.

Your plan would be switched to the $40 for the unlimited talk and text with a smart phone and $50 for 1GB of data. You would be paying around $120 to $130 per month for your plan.

You'll need a data plan, and Verizon charges a 1-time $30 upgrade fee when you change phones.