IMessage on iPhone 5 and iPad?

I just upgraded from an iPhone 4 to an iPhone 5 just under a month ago, and I also own an iPad 2. I upgraded my *4* and my ipad to iOS6 and had no issue with either of my devices. The nice thing about iOS6 is that it combined your phone number with your Apple ID, and I was able to communicate with all my devices without a single hiccup. As soon as I got my 5 I began having issues with iMessage. No matter what I would do I could only be signed in on one device without having the other completely freak out. I normally don't have issues with technology, but this one really stumps me… Please help!

Also for reference the iPad 2 is a Wi-Fi 16gb black and the iphone 5 is 16gb white on AT&T. I doubt that any of that matters but hey, you never know.

It looks like there's currently an iMessage outtage that occurred around 5PM EST. Please refer to the link below.