Iphone 3g fell into water & won't connect to itunes?

So, my iPhone 3g accidentally fell into the toilet after it got knocked off a shelf. I took it out & immediately dried it off and then shut it off. I put it in a bag of rice and left it there. Now it won't turn on to the lock screen but when I plug it into my computer it says to connect to itunes. When I opened itunes, it won't connect, the screen just stays the same. I can't restore it either and when I disconnect the iPhone from the cord, it shuts off. I need any form of help to get it to turn on unless I just need to take it to the Apple store.

If the rice didn't work and you can't restore it then you will have to take it to the apple store. The only other option is to try and wait for it to dry out more bc there are internal components that are wet. But good luck at the apple store they don't always fix/take back things with water damage. Get the 4s and a lifeproof case!

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