Iphone 4 - Find my iPhone options?

I'm looking for some help.

I got my new iPhone 5 and set it up - I set it up using my existing apple id/iCloud - All of my information was set up on the iPhone 5 straight away, including the Find my iPhone app. I wanted to give my friend my iPhone 4, I was looking at the find my iPhone app and it was showing up 2 devices - my new 5 and my old 4, I think I hit erase iphone (for my old 4) and now my iphone4 won't turn on - have I f*cked up here? Is there anyway of getting 4 switched back on?

Any help would be great - thanks! Audrey.

Added (1). I obviously selected erase phone in error.

Thank you so much A4_H23! I have managed to get the phone back on now and its working away!

If you wiped it from iCloud, you'll have to do a restore on the device. You'll want to set the device into recovery mode, then do a restore from iTunes. Usually the wipe from iCloud will essentially do a restore on the device, but seeing as how you've encountered a different issue, I would advise a manual restore.

To set into recovery or DFU mode, plug your device into your computer with iTunes open. You will then hold the home and power button for 15-20 seconds, then release the power button and hold the home button until iTunes detects it in recovery mode. Then you can do a restore by clicking "restore" in the given menu option in iTunes. This should resolve your issue. If it does not, there might be a hardware issue.

Gotta sync it via iTunes

Your not suppose to click erase iPhone 4… That means that your phone is stollen. Now it is locked. Go call apple.

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