Iphone 4 lost in snow for 4 days?

My iphones been lost in the snow for about 4 days, i'm finally going to look for it and i wonder when i find it wondering if it will still be working, it didn't have a case on it and it showed a couple feet, i'm wondering what the chances are that its going to be working if i find it…

Added (1). What happpened if it was only 3 days?

Well, time to go buy a new phone.

After 4 days, the battery is completely dead so you won't be able to use the trick of calling your phone and listening for it to ring.

So, your best bet is to wait for the snow to melt and hopefully you'll find it before it sinks into the mud, or gets washed downstream, or stolen by a raccoon.

Lol. I did that I mine last year. But only over night and the next morning I found it while walking to the bus stop it was freezing cold but there was nothing wrong with it. Surprising! I guess They are reliable but I would say 50/50 chance! Cross your fingers!

Because of the temperature and the amount of time your phone has been in the temperature I don't think it is going to work. The cold temperature will run the battery completely down and you won't be able to recharge it. It is similar to a car battery. But maybe you will get lucky and it will work!