Iphone 4 sound or vibration not working?

My iphone 4 stopped recently playing any sound through the speakers or vibrating. If i plug my headphones in the sound works.

I've looked online and done everything i could to try and troubleshoot the problem, Any suggestions or help?

Added (1). It was around the time i updated to 6.0.1 would it be a software issue?

This happened to my brother with his five when he updated but my dads still works fine with the update. I have a note 2 so i don't know. I would wait for 6.0.2 or whatever cause it still hasn't fixed the keyboard glitch on the five. If it doesn't come soon, i recommend restoring and if this doesn't fix anything, talk to apple or phone them. Can't really think of anything else to do. Wait for 2 months for an update, if nothing is released, phone and restore.

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