Hey so i just bought a brand new iphone 4s and it works good but when i go to sleep over night, i lose about 10-20 percent on my battery life, is the battery a dud? Should i return it for a new one?

i've tried all those little tricks to help save battery life on youtube but none really work

Put it on do not disturb when you go to sleep

That sounds about normal, the iphones are sorta still running unless you completely turn them off or plug them in overnight, sorry for the inconvenience!

No its not normal, mine only loses about 2-3% (sometimes only 1%) when i sleep. That is with mobile data off and Wi-Fi disconnected. But mine did lose battery quicker when it was brand new so i suggest you use it for a few weeks and see if the battery gets any better.

Calm down, it is normal!

Actually, someone once told me that you should completely drain your battery and then charge it. When you do that you save your battery life. So I followed the advice. My battery stays charged for about 2 or three days now!

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