IPhone 5 25 Mbps download speed good?
I clocked my new iPhone 5 at over 25 Mbps from Speedtest. Is this bad, average, or good?
It's definitely above average I get about 21-22Mbs and I consider that pretty good most people get around 10-12Mbs from dsl/cable internet. To get any faster than what we have you'd need some pretty special internet.
That's pretty good. On my pc, my download speed is 30mbps and my internet plan is one of the fastest that my cable company offers.
Of course. The internet speed on my broadband internet at home is only 3 Mbps.
- Would I need a fast mbps rate to host audio streaming? My ambition is to create an iPhone app, in which users will be able to listen to streamed music (like Pandora, or Spotify). My concern is if I'll need a quick net speed to accomplish this fluidly (current is 10mbps down, 3mbps up), as I want as few listeners as possible to have to face buffering issues. I'll be using a PC (Lenovo Z40, if specifics matter) as the dedicated server to host the music being streamed. Could anyone assist?
- Why does my laptop get such bad internet download speed while my Iphone gets 10 times more? My router is downstairs connected to a Windows vista PC. That PC connected with an ethernet cable gets around 90-100Mbs download speed. I did another speed test on my iphone upstairs next to my laptop, and it got 80-90 Mbs. But When I did the speed test on my laptop, it was only 10Mbs down. It's really annoying because it takes like a billion years to open youtube and everything lags.
- What does Mbps mean and can it run up my computer's usage a month? Every month I have a limit for my internet and my step dad has his iphone connected to my computer and he is online. Does that mean his Iphone can use my internet usage or does his Iphone have no effect to that?
- Sudden drop in download speed? Yesterday I noticed that suddenly my internet speed was terrible. It still says the signal strength is "excellent" but i can't even manage to watch a YouTube video at 240p which is really saying something. Also I have noticed with my iPhone connected to the same Wi-Fi I still get great download speeds and no problem watching videos and such. Any help would be great.