IPhone 5 emoji glitch and freezing?

I was having a long text war with my cousin. I created a shortcut with lots of emoji icons. It was so long my phone restarted, and now when I enter keyboard settings to delete it my phone freezes and sometimes restarts. Sometimes I'm using apps on my phone and it will restart randomly. Does anyone have any idea how to fix this? If not I'll just to get to the Genius Bar.

First thing I would try is a hard reset. This is where you hold down the Home Button and On/Off Button for about 15-20 seconds. This often times will fix issues like this. If that doesn't work, you may have to take it to the next level and do a restore of the device. Make sure it is backed up to iCloud or to your computer, then restore the device in iTunes on your computer. Once it has restored, set up the device and restore all of your info from the backup you created.

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