IPhone 5s/c able to work on MetroPCS?
I was just wondering if iPhone 5s or c was compatible with MetroPCS services, I was thinking about getting one and using it there (Unlocked of course).
Any answers?
Recently MetroPC was bought by Tmobile and since then has transformed into a GSM network that uses the Tmobile network frequencies. And since iPhone 5s is fully compatible with Tmobile will wok of course with MetroPC, like you said as long as is unlocked
- Will a T-mobile iphone work with MetroPCS? Can I buy a t-mobile Iphone and bring it to metropcs for a contract since they have merged. Would the phone have had to be activated with T-mobile before? Should I just buy an unlocked one?
- What features do not work on an I-phone flashed to be used on the MetroPCS network? I have heard that certain features will not work such as Visual Voicemail and certain internet based applications. Is this true? What do i need to do if I have an unlocked Iphone and I want to use it on the MetroPCS network?
- Inserting MetroPCS sim card into Iphone 5? OK, read this question carefully please. This is more for a technical expert. I currently have a MetroPCS android smartphone with a MetroPCS sim card. The sim card is a regular sim card (not a micro or a nano sim card). I'm aware that if i purchase a sim card cutter, that i can convert my regular sim card into a nano sim card. If i insert this new MetroPCS nano sim card into an unlocked Iphone 5, would my MetroPCS service work on my Iphone?
- Inserting MetroPCS sim card into Iphone 4/4s? OK, read this question carefully please. This is more for a technical expert. I currently have a MetroPCS android smartphone with a MetroPCS sim card. The sim card is a regular sim card (not a micro or a nano sim card). I'm aware that if i purchase a sim card cutter, that i can convert my regular sim card into a micro sim card. If i insert this new MetroPCS micro sim card into an unlocked Iphone 4/4s, would my MetroPCS service work on my Iphone?