IPhone 5S not updating?
My phone does not turn on or charging. I comes up with the iTunes symbol on a black screen. I tried updating it and it comes up with errors 14 and 9006. I tried changing the USB cables, the USB port, restarted the computer and iTunes and turned off the firewall in an attempt to revive my phone but nothing.
I have a lot of important data on my phone, especially my text messages, contacts and recent photos that I can't afford to lose. I have looked in icloud.com and it appears that my text messages, recent photographs have not been backed up. I'm stressing out now because my phone is not turning on and I can't backup the recent data I have.
Can someone help me or advise me what I can do as I do not want to restore my phone because I know once I restore my phone, it will wipe everything - from my text messages to the smallest contents.
Please advise if there's a software that I can download to backup my phone or is there something else I can try before restoring my phone.
If your phone has an itunes symbol with black on it it's too late to get any data from it since it has put itself into recovery mode. Whatever you have backed up in your iCloud is what it is.
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