Iphone have detected unusual traffic?

Earlier I did a simple Google search. I got this message Our systems have detected unusual traffic from your computer network. Its kind of freaking me out!

I don't know what has caused this to happen. Use vpn, its not a virus and there was no one else at home so no other traffic from the network. Does any have any suggestions why this is happening and is it common?

I get stuff like that, telling me, for instance, that my computer has a virus, or that some piece of MS Windows is broken and needs repair.

I run Linux, not Windows, and thus I know that the scary messages are all fake. Probably want me to part with money to "fix" the problem.

I get phone calls like that, too. What I do is try to sell them something. They hang up.

Likely just a scare tactic message.

Fake message. They want you to click on some link so they can try to install a virus, or try to sell you some "support" where they steal your credit card info…

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