IPhone not sorting songs by artist?

Everything in my computer all sorts by artist, iTunes, Windows Media Player, everything. But when I go to check my iPhone, it's all arranged by Title when marked as "Sort by Artist". All the songs have artists marked on them, so there should be no reason it's not arranging how I want.

Any suggestions?

Many digital devices- not just iPhones - will sort things according to their OWN internal system. This is frustrating to those of us who want things a certain way! Before I move podcasts ( mostly) or music to my phone, I renumber them in a leading-zero format that makes them be recognized in the order I choose. It take a whole to find the right sorting format, and if you are going to organize ALL the things you have - well, that is going to take a LONG time. I do my podcasts as they come in - there are about a dozen different ones I follow - and then it is much easier. I keep all mine on a separate mp3 players - same with my music - since I want my phone to be fast and functional for other things. So try out a hier4archical leading-zero sort system - first album is 001-White Stripes: first SONG in that album in 001(title); second song is 002 (title) etc. Only do FEW at first, to see if this works when you transfer to your phone. Once you *get it* - it works well.

Added - if you are using Artist as your sort criteria - check ALL the internal info about each song, on your computer. Many will list SEVERAL artists, assisting artists, etc. - and that messes things up. Sorry to do it - but I erase the other names, leaving JUST the main artist, by whose name I intend to then set up the albums, then the songs in the album.

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