Is 300MB per month enough data for iPhone 4S?

I have an iPhone 4S and every month i max out at about 290-299MB which is really close to 300. I don't have it on all day, just the times when i go out, but i only turn on my 4G to check twitter and instagram and maybe upload photos. I never watch videos over data or listen to music. I was wondering if I could just leave my data on 24/7? Will it take up a lot of data or will I have to turn it off since 300MB is pretty small. And how much data would you recommend i upgrade to? I'm not planning on watching videos but i'm always on my phone outside somewhere.

Yep! That should be perfect!

2GB is a good upgrade. I wouldn't risk leaving it on if you're already about to Max.

You might want to get more data because many of those apps you talk about use data in background.meaning those apps are always using data even though you aren't using them… My advice is to just to go unlimited. However if that's not in your budget than go with a plan that's atleast over 1gb

That is a very very small limit for an iPhone. I have a DROID RAZR and I use nearly 2 GB a month, sometimes more. I do stream music, and am constantly looking up recipes, but I don't look up many videos. If you want to use your iPhone to full potential then you need a higher data plan.

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