Is an iPhone 6 old at this point? At what point should I get an upgrade?

I know it's more on a phone to phone basis, but it certainly does seem that the older generation iPhones begin to degrade as soon as a new gen comes out.

Hi. I have an iPhone 6 and it run all the new ios just fine. But you should probably upgrade when ios 11 comes out. It will slow your phone because each new ios includes more files which slows your phone down. Hope this helps!

If the iPhone still offers software updates you're up to date. Once it doesn't offer anymore software updates you need to upgrade phones.

Still have both of ours. If we MUST, or when the price is reasonable (relatively) them we might move up a step or two. Not until. Not phone-crazy.

Given that apple hasn't changed the design at all since the iPhone 6, I would totally keep your current phone.

Given that apple hasn't changed the design at all since the iPhone 6, I would totally keep your current phone.