Is is it possible to unlock an Iphone 4s?

I just wanted to know whether its possible to unlock an Iphone 4s, if its locked to either Vodaphone or Orange? Id like to change it to 02. Does anyone know if this is possible to do so in individual stores?

I don't know about unlocking stores… You can unlock your I-phone 4S directly using the remote unlock service. I would suggest the site here you can get remote unlock service and unlock your Apple I-Phone 4S easily. After Unlock it you can use with other network sim card.

Yes it is possible to unlock it.

There are two different methods of unlocking an iPhone.

One is by using an unofficial piece of software. This method isn't very popular because it is temporary, but it is cheap. Basically, the unlocker will jailbreak the handset (which also voids the phone manufacturer warranty) and uses a software to remove the lock.

Amongst other things, the main problem with this method is that if you then want to update the phones iOS, then the lock will put back on the phone again by Apple.

The alternative method is to use an unlocker who can do it through iTunes. This method involves getting in touch with Apple, who then update the iTunes servers with the information that the iPhone you have should be unlocked and remain so, even if the iOS is updated.

This method is more expensive (but it is permanent) and it can take a few days for Apple to confirm that the phone is ready for unlocking.

Not every network is possible for unlocking - but you can find our if yours is instantly using this page:

The page will also tell you how long the average unlock takes and the price.

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