Is it normal for an 8 year old to be like this?

This issue is making me frustrated a lot! My 8 year old cousin has her own phone (An iphone 6s!) 24 /7 she watches youtubers, takes mirror selfies (her family thinks its cute) , and don't make me forget about TikTok! She keeps making videos and watching other videos and trying to copy them! She hides her phone in her pants when her mother passes by and she hides her phone and tell everyone she is going to sleep and then she keeps using it in the dark and recently she told me that her dream is to buy the latest airpods! And she came today i thought she wanted us to have fun together instead she got on her headphones and asked me what's the Wi-Fi's password!

No she's addicted to the internet

Hello, I hope this information in the link can give you tips on how to help your cousin understand the use of Cellular Devices, the good and the bad.

Every family is different and has different values. So you will find that people have different ways of bringing up their children. Rather than being judgmental, try and see the value in the way your 8 year old cousin is being brought up in this internet age - at least she won't be found wanting in that arena. While at the same time appreciating the way that you have been brought up. Being different does not mean bad, it just means different.

I don't think so, i wouldnt give her the password

Sadly some parents are overly permissive with technology. I wouldn't say that's "norma" but it isn't as uncommon as it should be.

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