Is it okay to get an iphone 4 when the iphone 5 is out?
My dad has got me an iphone 4 on contract and I wanted to know if it mattered if I had the 4 and the 5 was out?
Does it make someone look stupid with an 'outdated' phone
I don't think so. Also, you will still receive the iOS 7 update in September. My guess is most people won't even notice, as they look very similar. If they do notice, the chances of them caring are slim to none.
Are you that insecure, because you claim you will look stupid with an "outdated phone?" You are a spoiled brat, since daddy is paying for your phone and contract.
Tell me something, how many friends of yours have a 5?
Well the 4 is far from being out of date.
Still being made & sold, still being updated & still in the range of app support.
No it doesn't make you/anyone look stupid.
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