Is it true basic white girls only wear thongs and always shave their pubic hair?

When you look at the type of basic white girl who always wears ugg boots, plays with her iPhone all day,
takes loads of selfies that she posts on Facebook, drinks spiced lattes at Starbucks every Friday,
and only dates "really hot" tall white guys, is it safe to say basic white girls like that always shave
their pubic hair and only wear thongs?

I doubt you would ever see a "basic white girl with a big natural bush or plain regular bikini-style panties.

Am I right?

Is it true that every black man is a criminal, don't have fathers? Is it true that all asian girls love tentacles and asian guys are math genius? Is it true that every american is fat and love guns more than everything? Stereotypes, dude…

Only the basic white girls you are craving.

No you are not.

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