Is it worth it to buy an Iphone 5?

So I still own an Iphone 3gs sadly and I think I'm still eligible for an upgrade but I don't know whether to buy a iphone 5 or buy an Ipone 4s but I don't want to buy an Iphone 5 if there's not much of a difference.

Get the 4s

It's not worth it. Most people who I know that have it say it is no different from the 4s apart from the size of the screen

If you've invested a lot of money in apps and don't want to have to lose that then get the iPhone 5. But otherwise don't bother with Apple look into androids because they are so much better. But if you really want an iPhone you should get the iPhone 5 because it has 4g and will probably be able to handle future ios updates much better (I'm taking about ios 7, 8, 9 not like 6.0.5 or something like that). Some people like the bigger screen so that's another reason you should get the iPhone 5. Also in pretty sure they will release iPhone 5S instead of 6 because it's cheaper for Apple to develop the 5s than it is to do the 6 and so by the time 6 comes out you will be able to get that and not have to stick with the old 4s for so long.

The iPhone 5 is bigger and has a beautiful display along with a beautiful black/slate color(if you choose that color). There isn't much of a difference but personally I would get the iPhone 5.

Iphone 5 and iphone 4S have same features… The difference is not too much. So iphone 4S is also less costly.go for iphone 4s.

Get the 5! I Mean, Its a HUGE Upgrade from the iPhone 3Gs. The Screen is better, the camera is better, Its thinner than the 4S, it has LTE, and it has a better processor than the 4S and 3GS. It has a bigger screen as well!

Iphone 5 is worth the buy if you can get it for the price of an iphone 4s, here is a few sites where you can get them for cheap, well they are returns and refurbished but still come with warranty so practically its new, here is a few sites which sell return stock

the cheapest i've found is £330

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