Is it wrong to have Social Security check benefits?

So I'm 17, I have a twin brother that's the same age as me and an older brother who's in his 20's. I only have my mom as a parent because my dad died a long time ago. After a few months have passed, my mom was qualified for a widow benefit. However, I feel like this is kind of cheating since we aren't working for the money but instead going the easy route. This might
sound like an excuse but in the small town I live in, there's barely any jobs around here. And my twin brother and I applied to many stores but we haven't been accepted yet. My older brother on the other hand has been working normally and providing for us as well. Anyways, I still feel like this is wrong but at the same time that I also feel like we're using it responsibly. When I say responsibly, I mean that we don't buy stupid **** like iPhone accessories (I use a good prepaid Samsung touchscreen) or diamond necklaces, etc. We do sometimes buy clothes but nothing too fashionably expensive. So I'm basically asking is I'm using Social Security right and if it's wrong that I'm using it.

Added (1). And we don't buy over-excessive food, sometimes we buy junk food (and fast food) but mostly basic necessities like cereal, milk, coffee, bread, etc.

Added (2). And when I mean by abusing, I mean buying stupid unnecessary **** like Jordan's Shoes and gold necklaces

Added (3). Here's what happened to my dad for those who think I'm probaly lying:

I don't see a problem.

Social Security was set up as both a pension system and insurance system. And it's not like your Dad had a choice as to whether to pay into it. Your dad paid into that systems for many years, likely for decades, and didn't get a damn thing out of it.

It is only fair his family gets some of the money that should have come to him if he had retired.

Your dad presumably paid into Social Security while he was alive, but didn't get a chance to use it. As his family you're entitled to his share. That's what's fair.

No social security check benefit.

I don't see anything wrong with it, thats what its for

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