Is jailbreaking an iPhone considered stealing?

I've heard that it is stealing, since you are not honestly paying for the apps that are in the app store. I have also heard that it is not fair, since others have to pay. I'm confused. Is it considered stealing or not?

Obviously not lol who thinks like that anyways?

No. It is completely legal. It is only illegal to unlock an iphone or jailbreak an ipad. So download all the apps you want my friend.

It is not stealing, it's hacking. However, I can't honestly say if it is legal or illegal. If i had to guess id say it isn't and that it's just frowned upon by Apple because they're losing profit because people have brains. And the people who say it's unfair are idiots because they don't know how to get the same apps that they pay for for free. It is no different than someone paying for every song they want off of itunes rather than gettin all that music for free online through conversion. All you're doin by jailbreaking is unlocking your ipods full potential. If it was illegal, Apple wouldnt have released the apps required for a jailbreak.

Just jailbreaking isn't stealing and isn't illegal.

The only bad thing about it is that it voids your Apple warranty (but hopefully if and when you need to send in your iPhone for repairs under warranty, you can un-jailbreak it if it's still working enough to do that).

BUT… Once you've jailbroken, you can install apps from places other than Apple's app store. IF you use that ability to install paid apps which you didn't pay for, then that IS stealing.

P.S. About what "Some Dude" said - it's not illegal to unlock an iPhone, or jailbreak an iPad (or an iPod) either. A few years ago, Apple wanted jailbreaking to be made illegal, but a court told them no.

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