Is Jailbreaking an Unlocked Iphone 4s Safe?

So, I have an Unlocked iPhone 4s. Running 5.1.1.So, If I jailbreak it using absinthe, Will it remove my Unlock?
And Can I manually upgrade to 6.0.1 using itunes without removing my Unlock? Please Answer. I'm in need of some quick info.

I asked about that before and the technician said it is not safe, it can hack your phone easily.

It won't remove your unlock, but it will make your iPhone less safer than it already is. Jailbreaking will increase the chances of a malicious software on your phone.

If you unlocked it via your carrier, it shouldn't lock itself again. But updating to iOS 6 will remove your jailbreak.

I thought about doing it, but not sure if I'd want to risk it.

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