Is making the switch from Android to IPhone worth it?

I was thinking of switching to an IPhone 4S when the IPhone 5 came out from an Android HTC Inspire (if you don't know what that is it's basically an HTC Thunderbolt). I love my phone; it does all I need it to do, plus flash and widgets. However, I see the IPhone EVERYWHERE! TV shows, ads of all kinds, (especially in anime nowadays), plus I like the idea of Siri and a dual-core cpu. And there's lots of apps I would like to have on Android, but I hear Android apps are harder to program/design/whatever so not all Iphone apps make the crossover. What's your opinion?

Hell no. The iPhone itself is an meh phone… But the worse thing is iTunes. You'll be tied to it and that's a shackle no one needs.

No, you'll feel like you're in a cage compared to android.

I had an iPhone loved it but when I moved to Android it was so much better if you want to buy and iPhone wait for sep 12 that's when you can pre order the iPhone 5

Its definitely worth it, the iphone has much better apps and is easier to use

Apple products in general are over priced loads of garbage.

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