Is the sun stone calendar Mayan or Aztec?

I can't find a straight answer to this online. Is this sun calendar originally Mayan or Aztec? I know the Aztecs adopted and/or improved the Mayan calendar, but did the original Mayan version include the sun god in the middle?

It is of Aztec origin. The Aztec Calendar Stone is a late Post-Classic Mexica sculpture housed in the National Anthropology Museum in Mexico City, and is perhaps the most famous work of Aztec sculpture. One aspect of the stone is its religious significance. One theory is that the face at the center of the stone represents Tonatiuh, the Aztec deity of the sun. It is for this reason that the stone became known as the "Sun Stone." Richard Townsend proposed a different theory, claiming that the figure at the center of the stone represents Tlaltecuhtli, the Mexica earth deity who features in Mexican creation myths.


I think they both had stone calendars but i'm not 100 percent sure

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