How to charge my iPhone in my car without an actual car charger?

I'm going on a long road trip. Since the iPhone battery doesn't usually last long, i was wondering if there's another way to charge my phone without a car charger. Because my lighter doesn't work due to a broke fuse in my fuse box… Anyway- is there any alternative to keeping my phone charged?

Solar chargers can be found online.broken fuses are also very easy to fix

Some cars now have a USB port in their radio. You can connect your phone cord in that port. If not, your only alternative is to replace the busted fuse in your fuse box which is easy.

Since you write as you are wondering about the universe of English grammar with a deviation here and a major collision there, a hit here and a wondering extra move there, I'm not surprised at all that the problem with the cigarette lighter has not been repaired. The fuse has protected the car from the electrical problem so the power is off. Replacing the fuse might fix the issue and then, it might not. Only a mechanic can test the circuit and mend this system. No time or money for that? I ask because, as someone else has suggested the only other method might be a portable solar panel. But this is not practicable since the sun might not be out due to darkness or clouds or it can be quite difficult to have it pointed in the correct direction. And they are not cheap, as far as I know.So, why not have the cigarette outlet repaired? Any objections? I realize that you are a female and females at times are not the most practical nor disciplined nor systematic people on the planet when it comes to cars. Your writing shows all of those characteristics as you write with lots of errors due to either convenience or ignorance. Both not good things. At least it is better than average. But the pronoun, I, is not capitalized. The contraction for "there's" is "there's" with the required apostrophe. You did not write that correctly. The phrase "broke fuse" is wrong. "Broken fuse" is correct. The multiple dot thing, so infantile, … And ever present in teen writing these days, is totally wrong. But the dash after "Anyway" is HUGELY INCORRECT. A comma is what is required, my dear. Like I said, a wondering about the universe of English grammar but better than average. It might take a mechanic all of 20 minutes to repair the outlet. Please reconsider your decision as not to have it fixed. Do not leave it for the last minute. OK? Best wishes and safe travels. Please, no texting while behind the wheel and Please SIGNAL All TURNS. Girls do not signal and signaling is a safety device. SAFETY DEVICE.