Lies My Teacher Told Me Quotes?

I have the book on my iPhone, but the pages aren't exact. Can someone tell me which page in the book,"Lies My Teacher Told Me" by James W. Loewen, is this quote on:"Throughout his administration Wilson maintained forces in Nicaragua, using them to determine Nicaragua's president and to force passage of a treaty preferential to the United States."

James Loewen's "Lies My Teacher Told Me" has been published a number of times in different editions and formats. Depending upon the edition downloaded to your iPhone, the exact page number on which the quote about which you ask appears may differ. I do not know which edition you are using; thus, I can't be sure of the exact page number on which the instant quote appears in that edition. HOWEVER, I'm able to answer your question using the edition available to me.

The edition of the book available to me is the Paperback edition published by Touchstone (USA), a Division of Simon & Schuster, in October, 2007; and it is from that edition that my answer below comes.

In the edition available to me, the quote about which you ask appears in CHAPTER I. On PAGE 16.

In that edition, the quotation is the final sentence of the first FULL paragraph on PAGE 16.

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