Lost Iphone In Home? Tracker not turned on in phone settings?

Just last night I put my iphone down and forgot where i put it, i still can't find it and its morning. I know its in my house. I don't have the iphone tracker turned on in the settings. I need to find it now, its getting me worried but i know its in my house. Is there a tracker i can use on my computer? I need all the help i can get.

Added (1). My brother & I tried calling it I know its on vibrate but we searched everywhere and couldnt hear it.

Can someone call it for you or is it on silent and you can't hear it? Unfortunately that's the only solution I can think of =( best of luck

If the phone is on, try calling it with a different phone. If the phone isn't on, then youve just gotta look for it. I lost my iPhone like this a few weeks ago. It took me 5 days to find it.