My daughter wants one of these
My step daughter is wanting an iPhone. She has an iPod and she does pretty good with it for her age and she can use a computer really well too. She wants one because she says every app in the app store is mostly for iPhones or iPads and some she has done work well on her iPod and she gets mad and has to delete them. She thinks that everyone has an iPhone except her. Even her favorite singers kids have iPhones and iPads and all that fancy stuff and they're younger than her. My mom said that if we have iPods we don't need iPhones cause she thinks they're the same thing and they cost too much for us. I don't even have a job or money for a iPhone right now. I only have my android and she has an iPod. Hers is the white one that has calling and texting on it but she's too little to do that. She wants a phone so bad but she's way too young. Should she have an iPhone? She's only 5.
No, she shouldn't have an iPhone she's way to young
What? She's 5 and has iPod? She doesn't need phone right now.
No, don't spoil her.she's lucky to have an ipod at that age
What 5! All apps that work on iphone work on ipod i have an ipod and my mum has an iphone i can get all the apps she can so say no and i did not have a phone until i was 10
She has a ipod at 5! She is way too young to be into phones what will she do with it who will she phone? If she wants to play games tell her to make do with the computer. My children only got phones at the age of 10 when they were allowed to go off the street they cost £10 each and now at 13 and 12 They have asked for a good phone for christmas which i have agreed to
She's 5? Gotta be trolling.
You're not fit to be a parent.
5 is way too young for an iphone, she has an i pod which i personally think is too much for ayoung child, she can put all the apps she wants on the ipod. I bet hardly any if any at all friends have iphones. You've already said you can't afford one so why think about it. She is going to be one spolit little madam is she gets everything she asks for. Explain to her that her faav singers maybe have a lot of money they can afford to waste on their pampered princesses.real kids in the real world don't get i phones when they are 5yr her a dolly instead
The more you facilitate her unnecessarily at this age, the more problems you'd face after she comes of age! Children at the age of 5 should cry for new dolls, and not for gadgets! So you better be strict than sorry!
5 years old is way too young for a phone let alone an IPhone. Jeez, I'm turning 19 and I don't have an iPhone.
Honestly, if she's only 5, she doesn't need an IPOD, let alone an iPhone, especially if you don't have the money for it. I mean, I'm 16 & I don't even have an iPhone. Don't spoil her with one. Trust me, she'll survive without it.
Omg she's 5! Do not get her an iPhone! She's spoiled already no offense…
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