My iPhone 4S won't completely charge since I updated it to iOS 7?

I updated my phone yesterday to the ios7 and noticed that the battery percentage was dropping a lot faster than usual but I charged my phone all night and I woke up to my phone only being 51% charged! Is there anything I could to fix it?

Do a restoral on itunes… It should help… NOT FIX… Just help

future googlers… People. Please learn technology… Its not rocket science… Especially with a simple Fishcer Price Iphone

on any phone, on any OS… On any manufactuer… In any country… New updates = new features = more CPU & mopre RAM to power those new features = more battery power = more battery loss… ESPECIALLY IF THE PHONE WAS NOT MADE FOR THE OS…

iOS7… Was… NOT… Made for Iphone 4, 4s, and 5… It was made for 5c and 5s and its battery… So, expect some additional power loss on 4, 4s, and 5…

facts of life…

Don't know