My iphone 5 is completely messed up?

Basically. I can't turn my Iphone 5 on and whenever I try and charge it, it shows a iTunes with a charger symbol. This has happened ever since I tried restoring it and it failed. I keep repeatedly trying to restore it but every time I try it keeps saying a failure. Its bugging me and I really need to use my phone for work.

I have tried
-Installing updates on computer
-DFU mode on my phone
-Installing latest iTunes
-using a different port in my computer

And many others but I don't know what to do and I need my phone by tomorrow. Please someone help me.

When you said iTunes and charger symbol that means it's in recovery mode, your going to have to try to keep restoring it until the error goes away there's really nothing else you can do, or you can take it to apple and they will help you. A quick question have you recently dropped it in water or just dropped it on the floor. Please respond.

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